learn to crochet with potter and bloom

One of the really positive, and entirely unexpected, results of teaching my first crochet class is a new desire to teach the world the crochet - in perfect harmony yo!

I mean really. All of a sudden I feel wildly compelled to put my yarny knowledge to some good use and share the joy of colourfully creating stuff and being a zen master at the same time, can't believe it.

I've always been a massive fan of YouTube for crocheting. I learned to crochet on there by watching video after video after video, honestly. Without YouTube there would be no Potter & Bloom today and I am eternally grateful. I mention in all my patterns and to all my students that YouTube is the best thing since sliced bread for learning (and improving) your crochet skills, if you are unsure how to do anything, just about anything crochet related, you can look it up and someone will tell you how to do it. I literally LOVE the shit out of YouTube.

But...I never had the confidence to do my own video tutorials, even though I'm quite bossy and a total teacher wannabe (before getting pregnant with Betsy I was planning to start teacher-training). And the reason for this is because I crochet in such a weird way. I'm a wrapper, not a hooker and consequently I always felt my contribution to the video tutorial world would look daft.

Well, I'm over all that now. I decided to put my big girl pants on and contribute some good stuff to the world instead of just thinking about it. I'm always wittering on about being yourself and embracing your inner weirdo and I wasn't exactly practising what I preach. So I made this. 

And some others, all of which are planned for release over the next few weeks.

Hope you enjoy them and if you fancy giving me some love then subscribe to my channel  and make it look like someone's watching, it'll make me feel better.
