no. 076

| knit aid hats 2017 |

Started: 1 April 2017

Finished: 18 April 2017

Design: various

Yarn: Various, mostly aran weight

Hook: 5mm

Status: gifted to knitaid

I crocheted a variety of hats to send to Knitaid.

I used various patterns including the North Toque by Maria Vallas (top photo).

Notes from ravelry

Crocheting hats for the charity Knit Aid for their April 2017 callout.

Made this pattern up myself and used scrap aran weight acrylic yarn, trying my best to only use dark colours as requested by Knit Aid. I think it turned out quite nice, it's big though, I hope they like it :)

Top pattern is the North Toque by Maria Valles from Pom Pom Quarterly - it came up SO small that I couldn't even get it on Betsy's head! Eek!