no. 027

image copyright mavric photography

| pom pom granny shawl |

Started: 1 June 2015

Finished: 18 November 2015

Design: Modified from Vintage Granny Halterneck by Golden Hands

bunny bums

Yarn: any DK weight yarn

Hook: 4mm

Status: in use

I turned project 026 into project 027 because I couldn’t bear for all the pretty granny work on that halterneck to go to waste.

I added a really lovely yellow pom pom edging and I have a video tutorial to show you how I did that which you can watch here.

This shawl gets quite a bit of use, I think it brightens up even the most dreary of days and is so easy to make with leftover yarn (or leftover halterneck tops in my case)!
