no. 115

| daisy top |

Started: 6 AUGUST 2018

Finished: 26 may 2020

Design: daisy by marie wallin

Yarn: rowan summerlite 4ply

hook: 3.75mm

STATUS: in wardrobe

I started this project on holiday in France, August 2018 and then for some reason it stayed in a bag until 2020 when I finally dug it out and finished it.

It is very lovely indeed.

Notes from ravelry

Holiday project 2018. Orival, France.



Found this beauty in a bag today so have decided to carry on with it, forgot how lovely the pattern was :slightly_smiling_face:



Discovered that for some inexplicable reason I made the sleeves in a size medium and the body in a size small! My body is not a size small!!



Well it only took me two years but hurrah I finally finished it and whilst it seems to be a size small it still fits..... :smile: