no. 072

| match & move |

Started: 1 March 2017

Finished: 30 September 2017

Design: Match & Move by Martina Behm

Yarn: Blacker Yarns Tamar Lustre Blend in Gwindra, Lynher and Tiddy Brook

Needle: 2.75mm

Status: in use

This yarn was originally going to be used for the Snowmelt Shawl MKAL (project no.070) but they colours didn’t work well with that project which ended up being frogged and I really wanted to make a Match & Move because I love the simplicity of the pattern.

I originally thought I would just be using the two greys but I ran out after the sixth stripe (in the decreasing section) so I added in the green Tiddy Brook (one of my favourite colours from Blacker Yarns) and it ended up looking amazing. Am so pleased. I do wear it from time to time but it is a tiny bit itchy for my liking.

Notes from ravelry

It took a while but finally finished and I love it.

I ran out of the two gorgeous greys and so decided to finish off the last two segments with the amazingly bright Tiddy Brook. What a result.