no. 070

| snowmelt shawl mkal |

Started: 29 January 2017

Finished: Not finished/frogged

Design: Snowmelt Mystery Knitalong by Helen Stewart

Yarn: Tamar Lustre Blend from Blacker Yarn in three colours

Needle: not sure

Status: frogged almost immediately

I decided to take part in my first mystery knitalong.

Never again.

Although I will learn this lesson all over again many years later.

The yarns - which I had purchased at Yarndale in 2016 and were gorgeous - just looked awful in the pattern and so I frogged it pretty much straight away and am glad I did because it went on to become quite a large semi-circular lace type shawl which I probably wouldn’t have worn.

The yarn went on to be used in my beloved Match & Move shawl.