no. 066

| christmas eve cast on 2016 |

Started: 24 December 2016

Finished: 24 January 2017

Design: Hummingbird Socks by Sandi Rosner

Yarn: Baubles Sock Yarn by Vicki Brown Designs

Needle: 2.25mm

Status: in use

My first every Christmas Eve cast-on and using my first ever Christmas skein of yarn too.

These are another pair from The Knitters Book of Socks and they are still a favourite of mine six years later.

The pattern was lovely to work up and the yarn very festive.

Notes from ravelry.



Absolutely love this pattern and this yarn called Baubles from Vicky Brown.

Am working them two at a time but on different needles because it's my first time working a wrap and turn heel (is that a short row heel?) and I didn't want to get flummoxed.

Today I turned the heel on sock one....wahoooooo sock two I'm coming for ya!



Finished them on the 24th January! My husband mentioned lightly (ahem) when he came home from work that it was the 24th and was I planning on finishing them because of that. Me furiously working on the sole of sock 2 replied in a panic that YEP I was and so I stayed up waaaayyyyyy past my bedtime and got these beauties finished. I love them. And they fit. I was worried they wouldn't because it's my first time with a short row heel.



ps. I'm now making these in a solid colour because I think the lace pattern will look gorgeous in a solid colour.



Also, do make these socks, the pattern is AMAZING!