no. 123

| autumn socks |

Started: 25 october 2018

Finished: 7 may 2019

Design: basic socks (72sts) BY potter & bloom

Yarn: regia pairfect in cinnamon 7111 (now discontinued)

Needles: 2.25mm

STATUS: in use

These were Darren’s 2018 Christmas socks, only they didn’t quite get finished in time, Yikes.

They are super lovely, the Pairfect striped yarns are so easy to knit and I wish I’d bought loads more because it is now discontinued!!

Notes from ravelry

Socks for Darren for Christmas 2018. Didn't use a pattern, just followed the colourway on this lovely self striping yarn and added a lovely bright red toe courtesy of West Yorkshire Spinners Cayenne Pepper. Love it.



Love this colourway so much, wish I'd saved it for myself :smiley:



I finally finished these socks. Only four months late for Christmas!!! YIKES!